Dreamworks Animator Cameron Fielding
Cameron Fielding is currently a character lead at PDI/Dreamworks. He worked as an animator in Features like Megamind, How to Train Your Dragon and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. His action packed game animation in Turok were also amazing.
Check out his animation tips, thoughts, e-critiques and tutorials on his blog FLIP Online:
Animation Reel 2011:
Please visit → http://vimeo.com/channels/69569/23670460 ←
Animation Reel 2008:
AnimSchool Interview: Animator Cameron Fielding
One thing Ive taken away from your incredible site was when you said, dont force animation principles to guide how you construct a scene, or as a checklist to your work. Would you mind elaborating this further for all the new animators who scratch their heads over this.
I think what I meant by this was to try and think of principles after the fact. So, if you had a character that was picking up a ball, you might not want to think like this “ok... so I need an antic, some squash as he bends down, some overlap in the back as he comes back up, and some lead in the head at the start”, I think that approach will allow you to think about principles rather than the story you’re animating. I would like to approach the shot thinking about an interesting way to perform the action, and then use principles to further the communication of the ideas I already have for the shot, and as a tool for clarity (which is really all the principles are about anyway).
FlipCheck 01:
FlipCheck 02:
Dreamworks tutorials animation tutorials