Business computers and personal have become very common nowadays. Knowledge how to repair them when something goes wrong however is not all that widespread. Starting a computer repair business will enable you make a living while at the same time also helping individuals and companies who cannot repair their personal computers on their own. Certification is not openly a requirement for such business. However, it will grant you credibility that will otherwise be hard to obtain elsewhere. Below are factors you need to consider before starting such a business.
You should first decide whether you want to have a storefront or run from home. A storefront is ideal because you will have access to more customers. However, storefronts also come with greater responsibilities and risks. On the other hand, running from home requires less overhead. In case you opt for storefront, location will be everything. Try to operate in an area with few similar businesses.
Starting computer repair company is going to be very costly. This is because you have to pay rent for the premise, pay for the license and other expenses. You need to have a budget and try to stick to it. Avoid impulse expenditure. You should also bear in mind that it will take time before you can start getting profit from your trade. As such, you should raise enough money to enable you run for at least the first three months.
Due to the nature of computer business, it is also advisable to have insurance cover for any issues that may arise. While such issues are never planned, they can occur at any time. Because of this, it is always good to be on the safe side by having insurance cover. Clients will be leaving their computers at your premise for repairs; this is another reason why insurance cover is vital. Check various insurance companies and choose one that fits your needs.
You will also have to fix price for your services. When doing so, you should have your competitors in mind. If your rates are too high, you risk losing clients. On the flip side of the coin, if you charge too low, you will incur losses. This is a delicate balancing act that must be done with several factors in mind.
Advertisement is also part and parcel of business. As such, you need to explore possible avenues to advertise your company. Take the advantage of download media like twitter, facebook and LinkedIn. You also need to have a website where first time clients can get to know about your company.
Because you are dealing with computer repairs, you probably will need spare parts. Instead of sourcing for spare elsewhere, you can also stock them in your store or enter into partnership with spares supplier. Ensure you stock quality parts and offer warranty to customers who buy spare parts from you. This will attract you few more clients because clients always believe that good products come with warranty.
In this day and age, great customer service can be the difference between success and failure of your computer repair business. Make it your priority to give your customers good services. If possible, you can also befriend them.
You should first decide whether you want to have a storefront or run from home. A storefront is ideal because you will have access to more customers. However, storefronts also come with greater responsibilities and risks. On the other hand, running from home requires less overhead. In case you opt for storefront, location will be everything. Try to operate in an area with few similar businesses.
Starting computer repair company is going to be very costly. This is because you have to pay rent for the premise, pay for the license and other expenses. You need to have a budget and try to stick to it. Avoid impulse expenditure. You should also bear in mind that it will take time before you can start getting profit from your trade. As such, you should raise enough money to enable you run for at least the first three months.
Due to the nature of computer business, it is also advisable to have insurance cover for any issues that may arise. While such issues are never planned, they can occur at any time. Because of this, it is always good to be on the safe side by having insurance cover. Clients will be leaving their computers at your premise for repairs; this is another reason why insurance cover is vital. Check various insurance companies and choose one that fits your needs.
You will also have to fix price for your services. When doing so, you should have your competitors in mind. If your rates are too high, you risk losing clients. On the flip side of the coin, if you charge too low, you will incur losses. This is a delicate balancing act that must be done with several factors in mind.
Advertisement is also part and parcel of business. As such, you need to explore possible avenues to advertise your company. Take the advantage of download media like twitter, facebook and LinkedIn. You also need to have a website where first time clients can get to know about your company.
Because you are dealing with computer repairs, you probably will need spare parts. Instead of sourcing for spare elsewhere, you can also stock them in your store or enter into partnership with spares supplier. Ensure you stock quality parts and offer warranty to customers who buy spare parts from you. This will attract you few more clients because clients always believe that good products come with warranty.
In this day and age, great customer service can be the difference between success and failure of your computer repair business. Make it your priority to give your customers good services. If possible, you can also befriend them.
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